An aphorism often attributed to eugenist and racist Alfred E. Wiggam goes “A conservative is a man who believes that nothing should be done for the first time“. Corporate lawyers (the kind who never see the inside of a courtoom) seem to believe the only way to escape liability is to do nothing. Sometimes, despite their protestations, a company actually does come up with products or services, so they take their revenge in making them as unusable as possible to ensure no one buys them.

I bought a car last December. It is festooned with huge ugly warning signs on the visors. They are painted directly onto the leather and not removable. The car computer shows an annoying disclaimer when started. Every time. And it has to be dismissed manually. My GPS does the same. These are completely mindless ergonomic hurdles that probably do nothing for either safety or even shielding the manufacturer from liability, and make everyone’s life ever slightly more miserable.

During the Macintosh’s development, Steve Jobs famously equated slashing boot times with saving lives. The lawyers with their aggravating disclaimers are doing the exact opposite.